LOL Script Dword Wsreborn 2024

LOL Script Dword Wsreborn 2024

İndirmek için izniniz yok

League of legends script (LOL Script)​

League of Legends Script (LoL Script) ile skilleri ve hedefleri otomatik olarak kontrol edebilirsiniz. Kendi hesaplama sistemi ile skilleri kaçırma ihtimalini hesaplayarak kullanır.

lol script - League of legends script

League of legends Hack Özellikleri Nelerdir ?


Menu : Left Shift - F1

Supported champion database
Bağlantıları görmek için lütfen Giriş Yap

Perfect Predictions - WindPred - HPred (guess what xD)
Customizable Target Selector
Customizable Antigapcloser
Customizable Interrupter
Orbwalker Perfect last hit & laneclear & kite
Full Customizable Evade
120+ Built-in Champion Script - (Including Viego,Sylas) With logics.

-Target Selector
*Configurable weights
*Multiple modes : Least attacks, least spells,closest,near mouse,most ad,most ap,min armor,min mr , lowest health, most priority
*Forced target selection with left mouse button.
*Selected target with glow color.
*Active target with glow color.

*Perfect kite and smart windup times auto adjusted with your ingame ping (latency)
*Multiple circle drawing modes, Semi circle,clipped circle,regular
*Minion health bars with last hit indicator.
*Modes : Last hit,lane clear,harass,combo
*Detects yasuo wall and tryndamere ult jax e and more invulnerable heroes and stops attacking them.

-Evade 2.0
*Includes almost all of the dodgeable spells on the game.
*Smooth dodges you won't get called during games.
*Customizable danger levels
*Supports ultimate spellbook game mode.
*Supported spell types : Circular,Rectangular,Arc,Cone
*Has option to turn off evade under enemy tower
*Has option to enable dodge only cc spells.
*It will try to avoid spells on your path and move around them.
*Supports most of the spell usages like Lucian E , Yasuo E for auto dodge.

*Zoom Manager (SAFE !)
*Surrender Tracker (Tracks allies surrender votes)
*Connection Tracker (Tracks enemy connection info (disconnected,loading,ingame)) < wsr owns me and all xD
*Fog jungle tracker - detects enemy jungler spells on FOW if they cast spell.
*Last position tracker - with glow and minimap.
*Fog jungle respawn timer - tracks camps respawn timer even with fog of war.
*Jungle alerter Gromp - red - blue - wolves - razor - crab , alerts when its killed.
*Recall tracker - (working on 13.1)
*Teleport tracker - alerts you when enemy teleports on map.
*Inhibitor respawn timer tracker.
*Cooldown tracker - D-F- Q-W-E-R
*Dash tracker shows last dash position of enemy.
*Ward tracker shows cooldown of wards and shows vision range of it.
*Gank alerter - alerts you when enemy jungler closes with lines.
*Hud shows enemy spells on your screen.
*Waypoint tracker shows you enemy path with lines.
*Baron , dragon, herald tracker allows you to see if enemy attacks any of them.
*Proview allows you to see some special spells like zhonyas ring, with cooldowns.

*Skinchanger allows you to change your skins (high risk don't recommend on your main cuz it flags you. if u get too much report you will get banned eventually with this.)
*Minion block - blocks minion movement close to you.
*Ward helper shows you perfect ward spots and auto places with a key.
*Auto zhonyas ring with incoming damage calculations.
*Auto locket of solari
*Auto Randuin omen
*Auto redemption
*Evefrost with antigapcloser logic
*Prowlers claw
*Stride breaker
*Youmuus ghostblade
*Auto potions
*Auto lantern
*Auto ignite exhaust - cleanse - heal - barrier
*Auto cleanse QSS - Mikael
*Auto smite
*Base ult (working on 13.1)

*Waypoint analysis
*Dash prediction

Yayınlanma tarihi
Son Güncelleme
4.50 Oylama 1,150 İnceleme
Minimum Rank

Bu sayfayı paylaş

Son Güncellemeler

  1. LOL script Güncellemesi

    *EN* 14.8.578.3867 Update *TR* 14.8.578.3867 Yama güncellemesi
  2. LOL script Güncellemesi

    *EN* 14.8.576.8838 Update *TR* 14.8.576.8838 Yama güncellemesi
  3. LOL script Güncellemesi

    [LAST DANCE] *EN* 14.8.575.9209 Update *TR* 14.8.575.9209 Yama güncellemesi

Son incelemeler

"last dance" we had a lot of fun thank you to the whole team mh you did a great job
better script and more reliable rest in peace 12/26/2022 5/01/2024
The script worked perfectly. But with the Vanguard update, it is no longer working. I hope it will be resolved soon.
Ty man , ur a legend , for over a year i used it , in multiple accounts, never got banned , aprecciate ur hard work! and giving it for free, damn man , u will be remember forever! ty <3
Farewell, it worked so well and safely, now it seems quite dangerous, I will wait for better times...
Her şey için eline koluna sağlık leftspace. vanguard için çözüm gelir mi acaba? heyacanla bekliyoruz.
Bom dia a todos Alguem em alguma informação De como esta o roteiro se esta rodando ou se vamos ser banidos
bunca zaman sayende eglendi herkes yaparsın kaplansın bu işide çözersin inanıyoruz hepimiz sana yeni güncellme ne zaman gelir acaba?
sendeyiz hocam daha önce yaptın tekrar yaparsın LeftSpace ----------------------------------------------
sendeyiz başkan hadi yap şunu be büyük bir kitlenin tek umudu sensin,bu kardeşlerin bastonsuz kalan yaşlı bir adam gibi
leftspaceeee güveiyoruz sanaaaa hadi be abimmmmm yaparsın ya daha önce de yaptın şimdi de yapacaksınnn